产品关键词: 济南假山制作 济南上水石假山 济南庭院景观
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  • 济南上水石假山
  • 济南真石假山
  • 济南庭院景观
  • 服务热线:15610114816
  • 地址:济南市仲宫镇商家
当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 行业新闻放在家里的假山怎么设计突出整体感觉?


来源:/industry/753.html  更新时间:2023-11-23


Do you think the rockeries you see outside are particularly beautiful? If you look closely, you will find that the originally simple rockeries actually contain many small details, which look very interesting. If you see an interesting and special rockery, it is the rockery of the Lion Forest in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Perhaps it is because ancient people did not have much entertainment in their lives before, so they made their own rockeries very interesting, and people can even do hide and seek inside. Until now, I still hope to have such a unique and interesting rockery in my home outside, but designing such a rockery is not an easy task.


Designing a rockery at home requires coordinating with the overall environment to determine the location, shape, and size of the rockery


The design of a rockery taboos the high point facing the open space of the house, and even more taboo is to build a pavilion above it



In addition, the rockery at home should be designed in a well-proportioned manner to appear aesthetically pleasing and have better stability


The rockery located in the villa is usually located in the position of the side pool, so the height of the rockery also needs to consider the width of the pool surface, the depth of the pool water, and the height of the horizon on the opposite bank


If the courtyard area at home is relatively small, then it is necessary to design the rockery as the main scenery of the house, while paying attention to the configuration and use of plants to compensate for the lack of a fish pond


Another thing is that the volume of the rockery must match the overall space, and its shape should be low in front and high in the back, and the wheels should be full of variability


In addition, the design of rockeries also needs to achieve a combination of virtuality and reality


To design a suitable rockery, it is necessary to pay attention to the reasonable allocation of vegetation, which needs to be designed based on the overall shape, in order to make the entire rockery appear more vibrant


We also need to use more techniques of contrast, such as using side peaks to highlight the height of the main peak, and using them to increase the overall authenticity. It is also important to pay attention to the combination of mountains and waters in the design of rockeries, so that the mountains and waters complement each other.
