产品关键词: 济南假山制作 济南上水石假山 济南庭院景观
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  • 济南上水石假山
  • 济南真石假山
  • 济南庭院景观
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  • 地址:济南市仲宫镇商家
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来源:/industry/660.html  更新时间:2023-09-11
Rockery is an ancient architectural form that has become an indispensable part of modern urban environmental greening. Under long-term use and the influence of natural environment, rockeries can also experience various damages and damages. In order to ensure the long-term use and aesthetics of rockeries, it is necessary to manage and repair them.
Artificial mountains are artificially constructed stone landscapes, usually made of cement concrete or other materials. However, under long-term use and the influence of the natural environment, rockeries can also experience various damages and damages. For the sake of aesthetics and safety, it is necessary to treat and repair damaged rockeries. This article will introduce the methods and steps for repairing damaged mountains through artificial mountain landscaping.
一、 调查破损档案
1、 Investigate damaged files
Firstly, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation of rockeries to understand the extent, causes, and classification of their damage. There are many reasons for damage, such as natural weathering, artificial damage, design defects, etc. Through investigation and evaluation, a reasonable governance and repair plan can be developed.
二、 废弃、修补或替换材料
2、 Discard, repair, or replace materials
After developing a governance and restoration plan, it is necessary to process the materials of the rockery. For severely damaged parts, it is necessary to consider replacing them. For parts that are slightly damaged or require only paint repair, repairs can be made. For parts that cannot be repaired, they need to be dismantled and discarded. This can provide the basic conditions for subsequent governance and repair operations.
三、 涂刷防水涂料
3、 Applying waterproof coating
The materials of rockeries usually do not have water resistance, and long-term immersion in water can accelerate their aging rate and easily cause various damages. Therefore, after treatment and repair, it is necessary to apply waterproof paint to the rockery. At present, there are various professional waterproof coatings available in the market, and suitable products can be selected for application based on the materials and usage environment of the rockery.
四、 填缝处理
4、 Joint filling treatment
The stones in rockeries are usually bonded together with cement, and over time, the cement may crack, fall off, and other phenomena. At this point, joint filling treatment is required. For cement gaps, professional gray or white cement powder can be used to fill the gaps; For large areas of cracks, the joint head can be filled with a special shaped cement structural adhesive, and then cement powder can be used to repair and smooth the joint opening.
五、 修复细节
5、 Repair details
For the details on the rockery, such as vases and guardrails, they also need to be repaired and shaped. In general, the same materials and tools can be used for repairs, or new detail elements can be added according to design requirements.
六、 确定检查和维护周期
6、 Determine inspection and maintenance cycles
Finally, in order to ensure the long-term use and aesthetics of rockeries, it is necessary to establish inspection and maintenance cycles. Conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the rockery within the specified period, promptly identify and address issues, in order to maintain the integrity of the rockery.