产品关键词: 济南假山制作 济南上水石假山 济南庭院景观
产品 新闻
  • 济南上水石假山
  • 济南真石假山
  • 济南庭院景观
  • 服务热线:15610114816
  • 地址:济南市仲宫镇商家
当前位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 新闻中心如何选择假山制作公司合作?


来源:/news/675.html  更新时间:2023-10-30
If you feel like you don't have enough technology and experience to make rockeries, choosing a suitable rockery making company is particularly important. When choosing a company, you need to consider the following points:
Company professionalism and experience: Choosing a company with rich experience and professional knowledge can ensure the quality and effectiveness of rockeries.
Company Service and Attitude: A good company should provide comprehensive services, including design, production, and installation. At the same time, their service attitude should also be friendly and professional.
Price and cost-effectiveness of the company: When choosing a company, you need to consider whether the price is reasonable and whether the cost-effectiveness is high. You can refer to the evaluations and suggestions of other clients to choose a suitable company.
After the production is completed, the maintenance and upkeep of the rockery are equally important. Here are some suggestions:
Regular inspection: Regularly inspect the condition of the rockery, including whether there are cracks, damage, or poor plant growth issues.
Cleaning and maintenance: Regularly clean the surface of the rockery to avoid the accumulation of dirt or moss and other plants. At the same time, maintain the surrounding plants and environment, and maintain the coordination of the landscape.
Prevention of natural disasters: In case of natural disasters, such as rainstorm, strong wind or freezing weather, special attention should be paid to protecting rockeries. Some measures can be taken, such as covering, supporting, or reinforcing, to prevent damage to the rockery.
Reasonable use: When using rockeries, it is necessary to pay attention to protecting them from human damage or changing their shape and structure. At the same time, make reasonable use of surrounding plants and decorations to maintain the beauty and coordination of the landscape.
In short, rockery production is a project that requires professional skills and experience, but as long as we understand the basic steps, choose the appropriate company, and pay attention to maintenance and upkeep, we can create a perfect outdoor landscape, making our yard or garden more beautiful and pleasant.